Sunday, August 25, 2013

Week 8....Home strech

So this week will be a more in-depth look at what we have been doing in PharmSim as a group. It has been a real whirl wind.  We had to our individual situation analysis due Friday the 16th and then our group marketing plan and strategy due on the 24th. The individual situation analysis was killer. Not going to lie I had a bit of break down with it, but I got over it. Life is too short. I learned a lot about our company in the situation analysis. I learned that we were the market share leader and had great perception, but our numbers for sales, income and just about everything was slowly falling. Talk about some red flags. However, we have to remember though that in market that started with just 10 products now has recently gone up to 11 products. Granted not each product primarily serves the same illness, but they all draw on the same available market. So out company had a few issues, not huge issues when you put in the correct context but still so issues we needed to figure out.

                So thus we started our marketing plan and strategy which was not as intensive as the individual situation analysis, but was still rather intensive. Plus it was during a week when we all had a lot going on. Work this week had multiple events a day that involved turnovers and called for extra hours. Others in the group had orientation activities, and were moving. So we all had major stuff going on, on top of this huge project. So we dove in as much as we could, and we did a good job. Each night, those that could meet did via skype. It took a while to figure out a medium where we could meet, but skype ended up being the go to medium. We meet for hours upon hours trying to make sure we covered everything. We talked about just about everything that we could.

                Key issues were discussed and decided upon by pulling from our individual situation analysis’s and comparing which ones that popped up in all our reports, had a strong case, and from SWOT analysis. Our key issues for our company ended up being low promotion involvement and inefficient advertising, inefficient sales force allocation, declining market share (need to reposition to maintain market leader status), and option to reformulate/add line extension in upcoming periods. We figured these were good key issues that were a little bit more board as so we could address other key minor key issues.

                So our marketing plan and strategy basically centered on these key issues, and mostly on plans to increase market share and expand in upcoming periods. Jennie read the case again and noticed that there will be an option to introduce an allergy medication that is non-drowsy and had previously been a prescription only medication. Therefore no competitor in the market would have a product like this. We all decided that this would be a great opportunity for our company and brand. Especially since allergy takers make the most purchases (around 5 a year), and the markets although small are also not very penetrated as they are about 50% penetrated for all segments. We did discuss talking about reformation but decided that our product is getting great reviews the way it is and has certain competitive advantages such as high doses of almost all ingredients that can be in a multi-cold symptom. Since we don’t want to formulate we tried to figure out how to increase market share with what we got. We came to the conclusion we needed to increase recommendations which means reformatting our sales force. Well that was an issue we wanted to address. So we talked about what areas to increase, others decrease, and a plan with a cap and idea on how to increase our sales force so as to avoid where we are with an incorrect allocation of sales force.

                In increase market share we also discussed our MARKETING! Shocker right? First off, we realized we were really over spending especially with a comparison to competitors. Market share leaders do have spend a ridiculous amount to stay on top, but we all agreed our spending was a little out of line and incorrectly distributed. We wanted to increase our co-op participation. So since there has been such a low parcipation we will spend no more than $1 million each for co-op advertising, and increase attractive promotional allowances to retailers. We really tried to nail out the nitty gritty information and figure out a way to make the little things add up so that we can address our key issues and improve them before they become major problems. We really talked as much as we could out. It was great working with the group. Jennie and Briana did a lot of work. Mike and I did two parts each, and I did the final proof read. It was a good group, and I thought I had learned a lot about our company in my individual anaylsis, but I feel like I have learned even more. The annoying part is that is probably still way more to learn. I am nervous moving forward with the marketing plan and strategy as there are certain curveballs that even though you try to plan for them, sometimes they come from out or nowhere. Hopefully we have accounted for almost anything, and with percentages as bases we can respond easier than having set numbers. Time will tell, here’s keeping our fingers crossed.

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