Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Quick Little Update

   Our main focus this week is writing the Pharmsim Strategy Revision Memo. This is a group project, and we basically need to examine our 15 page Pharsim Marketing Plan and Strategy document. Our examinations need to be condensed into 3 pages. Currently we have the SWOT and Key Issues, Strategy implementation assessment, and marketing goals and objectives figured out. Which is great, because we are making some real progress and the document is really coming together.

   It seems certain parts we were already doing like assessing how our strategy was working and why we wanted/had to deviate from our plan. As well as, as talking about goals and objectives we have for our products. It has been hard though fiting everything into 3 pages. It seems we would easily make this a 5 page document with the amount of information we want to put into it. However, we need to limit ourselves. I think our biggest concern is the performance evaluation. We didn't do so well on this in our first plan, so this is a big concern for us. Hopefully this time we hit the nail on the head a bit. We are putting the other parts together tonight, and will be proof reading and putting the final touches on it the next few days. We really want to make sure we aren't doing anything last minute and have enough time to catch mistakes that we missed with the initial plan. Also, so we have more than enough time to do our weekly blog post as well. Busy week ahead.

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